How to overcome your unconscious bias

Even the most well-meaning champions of diversity can suffer from unconscious bias.

If this is the first you’re hearing of it, then you’re likely suffering from it too. But what is it? Well, a bias is the unfavourable stereotype of/prejudice against a person or group. Bias can be held by individuals, groups and even institutions, and it can have very damaging effects on those it discriminates against.

Broadly speaking, there are two different types of bias: conscious (also known as explicit) and unconscious (also known as implicit). A bias can be held against age, gender, physical abilities, religion, sexual orientation, weight, employment, educational background, nationality and even physical appearance. 

I know you’re likely horrified at the thought that you could be projecting any discrimination onto another human being, and good for you! It’s nice to be nice. However, the really damaging part about an unconscious bias is the fact that often you don’t even know it’s there. But how is that possible? Click below to learn how:


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